Student Maker Products

Algebra II - statistics

a chair

What is the number of deaths by capital punishment per year in the US, and how has the death penalty changed in the US over time?


How many non-transgender individuals have access to healthcare compared to the accessibility of healthcare to those who are transgender? 

family drawing

How does social standing, political choice, and income effect adoption rights for gay couples? 

Physical Science - Waves

bead art of pregnant woman

How do ultrasounds help doulas assist pregnant people?

shadow box depicting sounds waves through music

How does the way an instrument is made affect the sound it produces and how does that affect the musicians playing? 

student created graphic novel about sound waves in space

What is the significance of understanding space sounds? 

a student project

How can sound wave vibrations benefit deaf people in the performing arts? 


When performing radiation therapy to kill cancer cells, what happens to the other cells and how can we secure them from damage?

a student project

How does understanding the purpose of whale communication sounds help to manage and conserve the whale population?

English II - Social justice

a drawing



the shoes

English II - World Culture

Student showing 3D created product

In what way does the Muslim faith affect the everyday community?  


How has Confucianism influenced China's core values and practices? 

Algebra II- Quadratics

collage of projects

collage of projects