Alcohol or Drug Suspension Reduction Alternative

Students found to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or other substances at school, or school events, are in violation of NPS drug/alcohol policy. For a first-time suspension, the student has the opportunity to reduce the number of days of suspension by meeting with the Director of Counseling and Advocacy. The parent(s) and student may choose the Alternative to Suspension Program (ASP), which offers four hours of drug education/counseling. A requirement of the suspension reduction is that the parent(s)or a guardian attend the classes with the student. In some cases and in the occurrence of a second offense, a drug screener and assessment may be necessary to determine treatment needs. Drug education, screening and assessment, and counseling are offered through a partnership with The Virtue Center.

If the violation was for sale or distribution of alcohol/drugs, the suspension cannot be reduced. However, the student and parent are still given the opportunity and are highly encouraged to attend drug education or counseling through the Virtue Center.