School Attendance
đź“Ł Any day your student(s) will not be in school, call or email your school's attendance secretary. đź“Ł

Why is attendance important?
Because you matter and your presence makes a difference!
Consistent attendance is a cornerstone of learning and student achievement. When you're present in school, you're not just occupying a seat - you're actively participating in your own growth and development. Your presence matters because:
It allows teachers to provide you with consistent, high-quality instruction.
It gives you access to more resources and support.
It helps you stay connected with your peers and build important social skills.
It demonstrates your commitment to your education and future.
Remember, every day you attend school is an opportunity to learn, grow, and shape your future. While we understand that there may be unavoidable situations requiring absence, your regular attendance sends a powerful message: "I am here, I am engaged, and I matter."
By being present, you're not only investing in yourself but also contributing to the learning environment for your classmates. Your unique perspectives and contributions enrich the classroom experience for everyone.
So, embrace the motto "Be Present. You Matter!" Because when you show up consistently, you're telling the world that you value your education and recognize your own importance in the school community.
Your presence is powerful - use it to make the most of your educational journey!
Attendance FAQs
More Questions?
If you have other questions about attendance policies or need resources, please contact your school. You can also visit Attendance Works for more information.