Open Records Request

Please use the following link to electronically submit a request for open records.

Each request will be responded to within ten (10) business days. If by the end of the tenth business day following receipt of this request, access to public records requested has not been granted, the Custodian of Public Records or their designee will provide an explanation of the cause for delay. If access is denied, the Custodian or designee will provide a statement of the grounds for denial.

When appropriate, a charge will be levied on requests to cover the cost of making copies, staff time, etc. The Requestor is responsible for the fees associated with conducting the requested search, any consultation fees for determining accurate production of records, and any costs associated with making copies of the requested records. Fees shall be collected in advance of releasing materials.

Records will be available Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (except holidays and non-duty days outlined in the District’s academic calendar). Summer hours (June-July) vary yearly and may be obtained by calling 405-364-1339.

High School Transcripts

To request your student transcript, please contact the registrar at the school you last attended. Please do not submit an open records request.

  • Norman High School 405-366-5812

  • Norman North High School 405-366-5954

  • Dimensions Academy 405-579-1880