Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Oklahoma youth ages 10-24 years, while Oklahoma ranks 14th in the nation for the number of deaths by suicide. NPS recognizes the importance of suicide prevention training for both staff and students. At the high school level, all students receive universal instruction in social and emotional well-being through Project Wayfinder as well as the Lifelines Suicide Prevention curriculum in the 11th grade. Lifelines is taught to students by school counselors in the classroom setting.
At the middle school level, all students receive universal instruction in social and emotional well-being through the Second Step Digital Curriculum as well as the Lifelines Suicide Prevention Curriculum in 6th and 7th grade. Lifelines teaches the signs of suicide and encourages students to seek help from a trusted adult if they or a friend are suicidal. Students learn the action steps to take in order to get help and FACTS (feelings, actions, changes, threats, and situations) related to suicide. Lifelines is taught to students by school counselors in the classroom setting.
Prior to Suicide Prevention instructions, parents receive a letter that informs them of the lesson, and the dates they are scheduled. A form is provided for parents who do not wish for their child to participate in the lessons.