Student Services

The Norman Public School District's Student Services team helps students, parents and families navigate district processes and procedures. From attendance boundaries and enrollment questions to transfer requests and discipline appeals, we are here to help.

Teacher in Pre-K Classroom

Attendance Matters!

Consistent attendance is a critical component of learning and student achievement. When kids are in class, teachers can better provide more resources and consistent instruction with all students. 

Any day your student(s) will not be in attendance, let your school know by emailing or calling the attendance secretary.

Student Services Staff

Contact Student Services by clicking on a name to email or call at 405-366-5844.

Stephanie Williams
Executive Director of Student Services, Associate Title IX Coordinator

Tiffany Dixon
Director of Student Services, Elementary 

Jennifer Beer
Director of Student Services, Secondary (Middle and High Schools)

Angela Beyer
Administrative Assistant, Elementary Education

Dawn Cahill
Administrative Assistant, Secondary Education

Attendance FAQs

Below are some common attendance terms and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have more questions, please contact your school.

Parents Right to Know

Parents/Guardians may request the following information at any time during the school year:

Their child’s teacher’s professional qualifications in the following areas:

  • Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;

  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and

  • Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline in which the teacher holds state certification.

Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

The State and/or district policy regarding student participation in any mandated assessment (federal, state, or local).